Important Forms
Personal Travel Assessment
This online form helps me identify your "travel style" and make suggestions based on your answers. Please take a moment and complete this form so that I am able to design a more personalized vacation just for you!
Click HERE to complete the form.
Plan To Go Agreement
This required agreement defines our relationship as far as who is responsible for what throughout the transaction as well as what level of service you are requesting from Paradise Travel Professionals.
Click HERE to complete the online Plan To Go Agreement
Travel Insurance Acceptance/Declination Form
This form is required for all travelers if you opt out of the online electronic option in your client portal. If you have the authority to accept or decline travel insurance for everyone in your group you may use this form on behalf of everyone. If you do not have authority to accept or decline for everyone please have each person complete a separate form.
Click HERE to complete the online Travel Insurance Acceptance/Declination Form
Payment Authorization Form
This form is required for all credit/debit card transactions if you opt out of the electronic authorization in your client portal. For convenience, you can authorize a deposit amount and a final payment amount on a specific date on this form. Please be advised that when using this form I will require a copy of the front and back of your credit card as well as a copy of your Passport or ID you will be using during travel. This helps protect me and you as the card holder against credit card fraud.
Click HERE to complete the online payment authorization. REMEMBER to email a copy of the front & back of your card with a copy of your ID to process payment.